UNVEILING THE SPIRITUAL WORLD PART2 PASTORA TÂNIA TEREZA To you all the praise and honor only to you you are our God you have loved us you have sent us you your only begotten son to restore us rescue Us From Hell Lord Jesus we enthrone you in this place there is nothing we do without your presence you said without me you can do nothing we fully acknowledge this full dependence of you Holy Spirit we need we.


Desperately need you we need you to be here in this place you need you to move amongst us touching our hearts confirming the word giving us spiritual understanding we need you we invite the Trinity to this place glory to God the son the holy spirit of God may your kingdom come in this place may your kingdom come in the name of Jesus.

Amen I'm very glad to be here it's okay you can put your hands [Applause] together the first time I came to this church I fell in love with the pastors they took a very special place in my heart and then I was invited to come back again what now God my schedule is.

Full usually two years no spot and then there was this holiday I was about to put together an event of my making and then I said you know what I will go there God has a season for this venue and now I understand God's plan and you will also we hear this jazzing in a bit in a tidbit but before you take a seat I'd like to read a text from the word of God.

Which is in Matthew 16 from verse 13 when Jesus came to the region of cesaria Philippi he asked his disciples who do people say that the son of man is they replied well some say John the Baptist some say Elijah and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets then he asked them but who do you say I am Simon Peter answered you are the Messiah the Son of the Living God you.

Are the Christ the son of the Living God and Jesus replied you are blessed Simon son of John because my Father in Heaven has revealed this to you not flesh and blood you did not learn this from any human being now I say to you that you are Peter which means Rock and Upon This Rock I will build my church and all the powers of Hell will not conquer it I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven whatever you forbid on Earth will be forbidden in heaven whatever you.

Permit on Earth will be permitted in heaven glory be to God because of his word take a seat I'll take a seat on also because there's much to be Tau about are you set ready and able to go throughout the night I'm excited the older I get the more excited I.

Feel well it's been prophesied in the Old Testament the Messiah that was to come he was announced by the prophets there were prophecies more than 700 years old saying that he would come the announcement of the coming of Jesus and of his sacrifice at the cross starts in Genesis I say that the way God chose to create man and.

Woman in His image and likeness we read the genealogy the day God God formed Mankind in His image and likeness he he singular third person the day God formed mankind human kind in His image and likeness he made him at the image of God he created Mankind and Genesis 5 man and woman male.

And female he created him now they created him it was singular but then plural why because the one being prototype of humanity the very first being created to be the first fruits of humanity all the male and female genders were there and the text continues male and female he created he created them and gave.

Them gave them the name of Adam male and female made by the all powerful God from the dust of the earth receiving the Breath of Life called Adam in Adam all male and females were there God didn't create two doll figurines and the Bible states that God brought a deep sleep over to Adam opening the side of his chest and took a.

Portion of that prototype of humanity first fruit included both female and females opens his chest and transforms from him the woman she had already been created the female had already been created in Adam but there was a deep sleep over Adam God opens his chest the side of his chest and transforms that into the woman from that.

    Portion he States this is bone of my bones Flesh of My Flesh and that is why

    We read you shall leave father and mother cleave into your wife and become a single flesh so he created the woman from the chest of Adam from that portion transformed that into the woman but they were a single creation and I was asking why didn't you create two beings and not only.

    One and why did you not create both from the dust of the earth and blow the Breath of Life why did you choose to create the woman from the man's chest and I understood that was the very first prophetic Act of God while creating Humanity that one day he will place his son on a cross open his chest and take a wife a bride out of his chest and that bride is the church right there the cross was being prophesized the blood which would purchas everyone from tribes.

    Nations and at that moment the marriage was being prophesied between Jesus and the church and the Bible points us to this meeting I'd like to say that Christ the Messiah the Son of God who was to come he was announced since Genesis since Genesis Moses when he goes to Mount Si with the tablets of the law to write the Ten Commandments it comes back the people created a of gold he breaks the.

    Tablets of the law and then God says chisel new tablets the law needs to be written and after that Moses has a chat with God and and Moses is interceding for the people God is enraged with the Hebrews because of the golden calf and God says I'm not going with you anymore an angel will go but I won't anymore God used to go in a cloud protecting from the scorching sun and then at night.

    A column of fire avoiding the approximation of jackals scorpions and snakes and God says I won't go anymore and then God has a very difficult conversation with Moses and Moses says I want to see your face and God says you can't see me a sinful man cannot see me you will be consumed God is a consuming fire and the sin was inbuilt in all mankind and the moment they decided to disobey God by.

    Listening to Satan listening to the serpant and doing what God did not allow them to do the glory of God was lost because of sin in Adam the Bible says everyone has sined and everyone have been destitute of the grace of the glory of God any and everyone born from then on was in need of God's.

    Grace so we're left with this reality the death is not a last judgment or a definite judgment I've been speaking about the second death the first death is the death in which the body comes back to tust and the spirit goes to God who has given the spirit everyone will experience the.

    First death but in Revelation 21:22 we read about the damages caused by the second death which is eternal separation from God there will be a resurrection of the dead and those who died with Christ Jesus as his their savior they will not experience the second death they will here come you blessed ones to the kingdom that I have prepared since the foundation of the world and they will see the Lord revelation 21:7 we read to the Conqueror God will give all of these.

    Things I will give him sunship I will be their God they will be my child out of this place where God will remain with his people all the naves the witches and warlocks adulterers Liars this is the damage caused by second death God cannot remain close to sin he is a consuming fire and his Holiness consumes mankind because of the sin Moses wants to remain.

    Close to God and God says no you can't I will consume you

    My glory will consume you but then right after that God gives him a choice God says to Moses yes there is a way there is a way you can remain close to me you see this rock and in this rock there's a Clift if you enter the Cliff of this rock I will pass by and my glory will.

    Not consume you so was he talking about a mineral a boulder a rock no no Rock can deal with God's judgment and power Mountains will be shattered he's not talking about a rock the mineral he's not saying Moses enter this place this CL and you will be hidden from my glory of course he wasn't.

    Talking about the mineral Rock he was talking about the Cornerstone of his eternal Stone Eternal Rock his son at the beginning of humanity prophetically he was saying my son will be placed on a rock I will open his chest and from his chest in Christ you will be able to remain with me you won't be consumed there's no way else at the Cliff of The Rock that's the only way to remain close to God in the chest of Jesus since the.

    Very beginning since Genesis there was a prophecy about the coming of the Messiah and his sacrifice since the beginning since Genesis Isaiah was a prophet that announced his sacrifice he was wounded for our transgressions crushed for our iniquities upon him was a punishment that made us whole and by his bruises we were healed and he healed all our diseases Isaiah.

    Announced the Messianic Mission the spirit of the Living God Is Over Me In order to announce the good news to release the captive 700 years prior to the messiah's being born Isaiah was born in 685 BC wrote about the ministry of Christ his sacrifice the two comings of Jes Jesus and when we read Isaiah 42 we read about the first and the second coming of Christ many people don't understand the prophetic text of Isaiah 42 first.

    Portion Isaiah 42 and the first portion Isaiah 42 one would come and which a bruised readed he would not break a dimly burning Wick he would not quench he would Proclaim Justice he would come as a silent lamb before his shears he would come to be sacrificed in the same text Isaiah 42 second portion he says that one as a conqueror a man of war shouting making his voice heard in the squares this is the second.

    Coming for the government Psalm 24 being fulfilled lift up your heads oh Eternal doors Eternal Gates so that the king of glory might come in not the lamb anymore but the lion the prophecies speak about his life death his birth where he would be born Micah wrote in Bethlehem Isaiah from a.

    Virgin everything announced all of this meaning that it was about the Messiah as we read the prophecies the first testament the announcing well he is the Messiah but when he comes into the womb of a woman when the angel comes and tells a virgin betroth to Joseph saying that the holy spirit will come upon you the power.

    Of the most high will envelop you and he chose a name Jesus and told Joseph do not abandon her what she has is from the Holy Spirit his name shall be Jesus the Messiah was announced prophesied since Genesis from the virginal pregnancy of Mary that his name should be Jesus and on this very day he comes to.

    Peter and asks who do do they say I am who do they say I am who do people say I am who do they say I am Peter answers you are the Christ the son of the Living God not the Messiah not Jesus well the Christ is the innocent dying for The Sinner the person being.

    Charged innocently well people say he's being called the Christ well he's innocent but he shall pay for it and when Peter answers you are the Christ the son of living God and Jesus says Flesh and Blood did not reveal this naturally you would never be able to know this Peter you would not be able to see me and find the Christ in me this only happens because my Father revealed that to you through the Holy Spirit and.

    That's the only way you can look at a man Flesh and Blood who sleeps who eats and then you're able to understand that I would come and I would be sacrificed for the whole of humanity and that my death will bring Salvation to everyone on the Earth but then there's a prophetic word to Peter Peter reveals what he is what he has come to do and he says something prophetic to Peter about the future he.

    Says and I say that you are Peter and over this rock I shall edify my church and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against her and I'll give you the keys to the kingdom of Heavens whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven whatever did disconnect on Earth will be disconnected in the heavens he's talking about the future Peter is looking at him answering his question and he says something you are Peter and over this rock I will edify my.

    Church to edify I will edify in the future he's talking about the future and when he says you are Peter and over this rock he's not talking about Peter because it means Rock we need to understand our language in order to better understand the word because we have our translations not in Greek or in Hebrew and Aramaic we have our own translations.

    Over this rock he's talking about himself if I say this woman I'm speaking about myself if I say that woman I'm speaking about that woman in front of me and that other woman the one that is back there This Woman This Is Me That Woman is the pastor and that other is the other one over this rock I shall edify the church he's speaking about himself.

    Speaking about his sacrifice the blood that was to be shed his body that would be crushed on a cross his sacrifice that was bound to happen he was speaking about his own death over this rock I shall edify my church because in this body you will be able to hide yourself the glory shall pass and you shall not be consumed the CFT of the rock that the Lord will open in my chest.

    Mankind will be able to rest and shall not be consumed that's what he was talking about and he says I shall edify this is the future imp perfect and I'll give you I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven future future tense I will edify the church over this rock and I'll give the keys to the kingdom of heaven to this.

    Church I'll give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven whatever you disconnect on Earth shall be disconnected in the heavens and that was when he handed over to the church the greatest mystery he gave to the church the greatest attribution the church would have on Earth the building of the church.

    Is made through him through his body but it is through the church that the kingdom of the heavens is implemented the keys of death and hell are with him in Revelations we read I am alive I used to be dead with me I have the keys of death and hell but the keys to the kingdom of the heavens make reference to the spiritual world the keys to the kingdom of the heavens I will hand out.

    To the church I will hand out in the hands of the church well if you're aced with my work on my YouTube channel you might have heard already many times my saying that the spiritual world is legal legal it's based on laws tenants principles precepts laws that have been established by God one of these.

    Laws which is of great relevance to the church is this very one the church has the keys to the kingdoms to the kingdom of heaven and with this very key the church connects things to the kingdom of heavens and disconnects things from the Empire Darkness it's with these very keys that we're able to disconnect and connect.

    With these keys we're able to disconnect people from the shackles they're bound to now after he walks amongst Men He fulfills what he came to accomplish now we're in Holy Week this is Resurrection Day now to 202 something years ago and we don't know exactly when I'd say 20 or.

    2022 years ago Friday it would have been the day of crucifixion the day the Lamb of God who came to deliver Mankind from sin he is the one to deliverer Worthy is the Lamb because he was killed and with his blood he purchased not that he will purchase he purchased tribes people from every tribes kingdoms and they have been established as Kingdom.

    Priests and with the blood that has been spilled he wrote that adoption letter those who accept him will become children of God Friday the very day of sacrifice and the sacrifice didn't take place only on Friday because when the Bible says in Philippians chapter 2 from verse five onward and we read you must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had though he was God he did not think of equality with God as something to cling.

    To instead he gave up his Divine privileges he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being and when he appeared in human form he humbled himself in obedience to God and died as a criminal died a criminal's death on a cross therefore God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all names that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven on Earth and under the Earth and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord.

    So have the same feeling you must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had though he was God he did not think of equality with God is something to cling to instead he gave up his Divine privileges so what was this to exist in the form of God what was the form of God well it was what he used to be before being born of a woman well this was exactly the vision his head and his hair were like.

    White like wool as white as no and his eyes were like flames of fire his feet were like polished bronze refined in a furnace and his voice thundered like Mighty ocean waves what what was the form of God well the form that he used to see or be seen by John in patas his head and his hair were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were like flames of fire his feet were like polish bronze refining furnace.

    And his voice thundered like Mighty ocean waves exactly what Paul actually saw saw in the road to Damascus Saul didn't see Jesus in flesh like other disciples did well he had a meeting with Jesus when he was glorified the form of God was given back to him and what is the form of of God his head and his hair were like white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were like flames of fire his feet were like polished bronze refined in a furnace and.

    His voice thundered like Mighty ocean waves tremendous voice tremendous being Saul fell down as dead Daniel fell down as dead well he couldn't come full on God otherwise people would just fall down dead that's why he came in flesh as a human he does that because there's another spiritual law governing this it states that the heavens are the heavens of the Lord but the Earth was given to the Sons The.

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